
Certificates & Awards

What do Our Certifications Mean?

The Rainforest Alliance

Teaches farmers how to protect biodiversity and natural resources, helping them to grow high quality and sustainable crops


Fairtrade guarantees the farmers a fair price, decent working conditions, and adequate training

The Soil Association

The Soil Association ensures our beans are grown using eco-friendly practices and without chemical fertilizers

Recognitions & Awards

Great Taste Awards

2002 – 2010

Percol won four gold awards during the Great Taste Awards 2010, taking the brand to a total of 36 industry awards for quality and taste since 2002.
At the 2007 Great Taste Awards, Percol, the fairtrade and organic coffee brand was awarded more gold medals than any other coffee.

Great Taste Awards


Percol has won more than 40 top industry awards for taste and quality including 3 Great Taste Awards in 2012.

Plastic Free (A Plastic Planet)


We’re proud to be the first coffee brand to receive the ‘Plastic Free Trust Mark’ from A Plastic Planet.

The Plastic Free Home product tests – Coffee Bags

Plastic Free String, Tag and Bags reduce landfill waste –
dispose of in your local authority food waste bin