
We believe in Sustainable Change

Our Sustainability Misson

At Percol, we believe that great coffee needn’t cost the earth.


We were a pioneer in sourcing and selling fair & ethically certified coffees and our commitment to that has never been firmer. Our whole range is fair & ethically certified with either Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade and comes in plastic free packaging because working with both schemes offers the widest range of social and environmental assurances.

Rainforest Alliance

  • Conservation of Biodiversity: When you buy products with the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal, you support the conservation of biodiversity.
  • Sustainable Livelihoods: By transforming farming and business practices, Rainforest Alliance helps create more sustainable livelihoods for farmers.
  • Transparent Supply Chains: The organization provides clear standards and certification schemes, promoting transparent supply chains.
  • Financial Security: Rainforest Alliance certification contributes to a more secure and fair financial future for producers and farmers.
  • Knowledge and Training: Farmers receive access to vital knowledge and training to implement sustainable practices.


  • Workers’ Rights and Wages: Fairtrade has a strong focus on protecting workers’ rights and ensuring fair wages.
  • Quality Assurance: Fairtrade ensures that coffee beans are of the best quality.
  • Global Impact Reduction: Supporting Fairtrade drives demand for sustainable practices, reducing the global impact of harmful practices.
  • Fairtrade certification ensures that farmers and their families benefit from better opportunities and sustainable farming practices.


Selected Percol products are organically certified. Organic farming offers numerous benefits, and the Soil Association plays a crucial role in promoting and certifying organic practices.


No other coffee brand has moved further or faster in adopting plastic free packaging. We were on a mission to remove all plastics from our range, and today we are proud to proclaim that all our coffee is packed in plastic free packaging.

Killed the film

In 2019 we replaced the non-recyclable metal and plastic film that most roast and ground coffee is sold in with our own compostable and biodegradable material. Our Roast & Ground products continue to be sold in this material. It keeps the product just as fresh, but thanks to a special patented technology it is compostable so when you’re done you can pop the empty bag into your local authority provided food waste bin.

Got rid of the Lid

We are super excited about our new Instant coffee jars. We’ve binned the plastic lid, for good. Our new jars feature a metal lid and your whole coffee jar (jar, lid and label) are made of recyclable materials. But it’s a shame to throw these jars away, instead Percol jars make brilliant upcycled storage jars for around the home.

Plant Based Bags

Our amazing coffee bags, get brilliant reviews for taste and flavour. All the taste and flavour of a cafetiere coffee, without the fuss. These beautifully roasted coffee bags brew just like teabag. You can enjoy superior quality roast & ground coffee in seconds, no mess, no hassle. But the best thing is when you’re done, pop the spent coffee bag in your food waste bin because our bags are made with compostable plant based materials.